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Puces POP

Clothes & Roads

Montreal, Quebec

I decided to start my own clothing company in 2017 after a backpacking trip during which I lived in a tent, RV, bunkhouse, Dodge Caravan, and hostels for 10 months.

Living with my house in a backpack really made me reconsider everything I own. I’ve concluded that I really don’t need much to live well, and certainly not when I choose carefully and thoughtfully.

So our clothes are inspired by travel, and created for your everyday adventures. We want to inspire adventurous souls to live fully and intentionally.

We make women’s clothing and underwear for men and women. In short, minimalist essentials that can go with anything.

I’m the designer. I create the design, the pattern, the samples. Depending on the project, I sometimes work with subcontractors (cutting and tailoring) in the greater Montreal area.