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Film POP

Rami Younis

(Director/Producer) is a Palestinian
filmmaker, writer, journalist and activist
from Lyd. He was a 2019-20 Fellow at the
Harvard Divinity School. As a journalist,
he mainly wrote for the online magazine
+972 and served as both writer and
editor of its Hebrew sister site, “local call”,
a journalistic project he co-founded,
designed to challenge Israeli mainstream
journalism outlets. Rami served as a
parliamentary consultant and media
spokesperson for Palestinian member of
Knesset (Israeli parliament) Haneen
Zoabi. Rami is also co-founder and
manager of the first-ever Palestine Music
Expo, an event that connects the local
Palestinian music scene to the
worldwide industry. Younis is the host of
the Arabic-language daily news show,
“On the Other Hand.”