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POP Montréal Music

Virginie B

Montreal, QC

Virginie B’s irresistible quirkiness is matched only by her boundless creativity. The singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist offers a unique reappropriation of hyperpop by incorporating touches of nu-jazz, funk and R&B, complemented with a refined conceptual approach inherited from art pop. Accompanied by her talented collaborator and co-producer Louis Jeay-Beaulieu, she applies this distinctive and versatile combination of styles to the exploration of her psyche, femininity and relationship with technology and nature. The result is an outlet through which she expresses her desires and excesses without taking herself too seriously, reflecting her vulnerability and confidence.

From stage direction to visual identity and sound design, Virginie B uses her wide range of skills by getting involved in every aspect of her art. On stage, she exudes a mesmerizing charisma, enhanced by the undeniable chemistry she shares with Louis, who accompanies her on bass. In addition to her solo project, she brings her striking stage presence to the live shows of the many Montreal-based artists she collaborates with, such as Super Plage, Félix Dyotte and Marie-Gold.

INSULA, her debut album, quickly attracted attention upon its independent release in 2022, garnering praise from ICI Première, Le Devoir, La Presse, Montreal Rocks! and PAN M 360. This recognition culminated in a nomination for Pop Album of the Year at GAMIQ 2022. Virginie also proved her onstage talent on multiple occasions, such as Francofolies de Montréal, Coup de Cœur Francophone, Phoque OFF, Santa Teresa Festival, Taverne Tour, M for Montreal 2022’s Official Selections and as an Official Artist at SXSW 2023.

In 2024, Virginie B is working on new hyperpop songs that combine catchy melodies, stylistic experimentation and intricate textures with poetry that is at once introspective, profound and accessible.