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POP Symposium 2024

Clubhouse Rialto, 5711 avenue du Parc

POP Symposium présente les questions les plus urgentes auxquelles sont confrontées les communautés musicales et artistiques. Cette année, nous sommes ravi.es de présenter l’un de nos programmes les plus ambitieux à ce jour. Avec des panels sur tous les sujets — l’état des salles de musique, scènes DIY autour du pays, conférences d’artistes et ateliers pratiques — le Symposium a tout pour plaire. Que vous soyez un.e musicien.ne chevronné.e ou un.e artiste émergent.e, un.e professionnel.le de l’industrie ou simplement curieux.euse de l’industrie, nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous pour le POP Symposium de cette année!

Un mot sur la commissaire: Eve Parker Finley est une musicienne et comédienne montréalaise de renom. Son travail a été présenté à la CBC, à l’émission Canada’s Got Talent, à Elle Canada, à Exclaim!, à Xtra et dans d’autres médias. Voix montante de la musique indépendante et de la scène humoristique canadienne, Eve est l’animatrice et la créatrice de Ten Minute Topline avec CBC Music et la directrice du Symposium de POP Montréal.

POP Symposium brings together people to discuss the most pressing issues facing music and art communities. This year, we are thrilled to present some of our most ambitious programming yet. With panels on everything from the state of live music venues to DIY scenes across the country, artist talks, and practical workshops, Symposium has it all. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or an emerging artist, an industry pro or simply industry-curious, someone with strong opinions or open to new perspectives, we hope you join us at this year’s POP Symposium! 

About the curator: Eve Parker Finley is a noted Montreal musician and comedian. Her work has been featured on CBC, Canada’s Got Talent, Elle Canada, Exclaim!, Xtra, and other outlets. A rising voice in the Canadian indie music and comedy scenes, Eve is the host and creator of Ten Minute Topline with CBC Music and the Symposium Director at POP Montreal.


Do I Need a Lawyer? Free Legal Clinic for Musicians

⇢ 25 SEPT, 11h — 12h, Clubhouse Rialto
Co-presented par Miller-Thomson LLC

Making Royalties Work For You: Publishing and the Importance of Works Registration

Co-presented by L’Agence canadienne des droits de reproduction musicaux (CMRRA)

⇢ 25 SEPT, 12h — 13h, Clubhouse Rialto

Navigating Sobriety in the Arts

⇢ 25 SEPT, 13h30 — 14h30, Clubhouse Rialto

Keeping Each Other Safe: Organizing COVID-Conscious Events 

⇢ 25 SEPT, 14h30 — 15h30, Clubhouse Rialto

Lessons from DIY Scenes

⇢ 25 SEPT, 16h — 17h, Clubhouse Rialto

POP Reads

Co-presented by ARCMTL
⇢ 25 SEPT, 18h — 20h, Rialto Hall

The Housing Crisis & the Arts

Co-presented by The Walrus Foundation

⇢ 26 SEPT, 12h — 13h, Clubhouse Rialto

The Sound of Organizing: Union Organizing in the Arts

Co-presented by ARCMTL
⇢ 26 SEPT, 13h — 14h, Clubhouse Rialto

Creators and the New Music Media Landscape

⇢ 26 SEPT, 14h30h — 15h30h, Clubhouse Rialto

In Conversation with Peter Jesperson: Euphoric Recall Book Launch

⇢ 26 SEPT, 15h30h — 16h30, Clubhouse Rialto

The Music-Military Industrial Complex

Co-presented by New Feeling

⇢ 27 SEPT, 12h — 13h, Clubhouse Rialto

Artists for Palestine

⇢ 27 SEPT, 13h — 14, Clubhouse Rialto

What’s Canadian music, anyway? – Live Taping of The Bridge (CBC)

Co-presented by Radio Canada
⇢ 27 SEPT, 14h30 — 15h30, Librarie Mordechai Richler // 15h30 — 17h00, suivi de collations/ refreshments served after

In Conversation with Mannie Fresh

⇢ 27 SEPT, 16h — 17, Clubhouse Rialto

Maroc x Québec: Collaborations and Inspirations 

⇢ 28 SEPT, 12h — 13h, Clubhouse Rialto

The Future of Canadian Latin Music: Rising Latinx Artists and Music Entrepreneurs

⇢ 28 SEPT, 13h — 14h, Clubhouse Rialto

Collective sonic memory: Archival Practices for the Independent Music Community

⇢ 28 SEPT, 14h30 — 15h30, Clubhouse Rialto

Pathwaves Futures World-Building Workshop: Technology, Literacy, and Creativity

Co-presented by Pathwaves 
⇢ 28 SEPT, 15h30 — 17h30, Clubhouse Rialto

Music Video Showcase

Co-presented by PRISM and Film POP
⇢ 28 SEPT, 18h — 19h, Cinema Moderne // Networking mixer, 19h — 20h

The State of Live Music Venues

Co-presented by Ottawa Music Industry Coalition (OMIC)

⇢ 29 SEPT, 13h — 14h, Clubhouse Rialto

Roundtable on the State of Montreal Nightlife

⇢ 27 SEPT, 14h30 — 15h30, Clubhouse Rialto

Women in Leadership at Music Companies

Co-presented by Redeye and Women in Music Montréal
⇢ 29 SEPT, 15h30 — 16h30, Clubhouse Rialto